Recent Projects

A summary of completed projects and my role in them post college.


Iron Dungeon was a solo project that I undertook for a week in August 2023. Iron Dungeon is a first-person horror game inspired by classics like Slender. I drew from my ongoing D&D campaign that I've been DMing for around 2 years now as a source for the theming, names, etc. I iterated several times and hosted playtesting sessions with my friends to try and iron out mechanics, ambiance, and the like.

It was meant as a means to challenge myself and explore different tools and methods in the Unity game engine that I had yet to discover for myself.  I did this by implementing a variety of enemies that each had a unique mechanic such as preset routed pathfinding, enemies moving and killing based on vision, noise, light, and movement. I also made the 3D model of the Gazer enemy, which was a first for me.

I also wanted to play around a bit with what made horror games horror games, such as ambiance, sound effects, atmospheric tension, and removing player control. 

Here is a link to the itch page to download:

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